
Research fields

Field 1: Institutions, public policies and participation

This Research Field carries out theoretical and empirical research into the relationship between institutional dynamics and democratic legitimacy, the different forms of political participation, the mechanisms for controlling government activity and the production, structuring and management of urban space and public policies. It takes into consideration the social markers of gender, generation, race and social inequalities in the processes of planning, drafting and implementing public policies.

Professors: Carla Almeida, Celene Tonella, Éder Rodrigo Gimenes, Ednaldo Aparecido Ribeiro, Rafael da Silva e Simone Pereira da Costa Dourado.


Field 2: Society, cultural practices and social thought

This Research Field carries out theoretical and empirical research into the production of knowledge in the processes related to the manifestation, reproduction and transformation of social and cultural practices, as well as the relationship between nature and culture. Studies relating to culture, the circulation of ideas, identity dynamics, human and non-human relationships, educational processes, race relations, social inequality, accessibility, social and political thought in Brazil and Latin America. The interdisciplinary nature of the research developed by the field implies a continuous dialog with different areas of knowledge.

Professors: Eide Sandra Azevedo Abreu, Eliane Sebeika Rapcham, Fagner Carniel, Hilton Costa, Marivânia Conceição de Araújo, Meire Mathias e Zuleika Bueno.