
Area of concentration

Society and Public Policies

To recognize, reflect on, analyze and propose alternatives for building a fair, inclusive and democratic regional and national development project, respecting the principle that the general outlines of knowledge production in the field of reflection on society's relations with public policies require the training of professionals capable of 1) contributing to the theoretical and methodological debate on the subject of institutions, public policies, participation, society, cultural practices and social thought within the social sciences; 2) plan strategies for the direct involvement of professionals qualified by the program in regional, national and international projects, research and actions aimed at reducing social inequalities.
The definition of Society and Public Policies as the PGC/UEM's area of concentration is the distinctive mark of the program and the uniting element of research and projects developed in its two fields, since it encompasses the interests of its researchers with the construction of investigative scenarios of the relationship between state and society; arrangements established between public and private interests; conditioning factors of the production of social and political thought that supports the debate on the formation of society and the state; modalities of political and social participation elaborated by different social groups; dynamics of the functioning of political institutions and the constitution of a political culture in Brazil.